How much weight do i need to lose?
This amount will depend on the individual. Most nutrition stores (GNC does not offer this) offer a free bodyfat scan. Start there. Or pay for a DEXA scan. It will give you a good idea of how much bodyfat you are holding as well as your lean muscle mass. From there, keep in mind you will not be looking to lose every ounce of fat you have on your body. The goal is to reach a lean, healthy and sustainable weight.
And you can always look-up the ideal bodyweight for your height, weight, and age online. This will also be a rough estimate, but it will help you decide on which program to get. Please keep in mind that I do this for a living, and I will ultimately be able to guide you in the right direction regardless once I get your information.
I work a lot and don't have time to cook?
We’re all busy. You have to quit making excuses if you want results. And this is a common excuse. If you’re serious and truly committed to changing, then you’ll find the time. All my clients have full-time jobs and family obligations, but they make time. Prioritizing your health comes with sacrifice and this is a small one. If you find that you don’t have an hour every few days to prep your food, reevaluate your schedule.
are your plans for teenagers too?
I do not put an age limit on my services, but I do require that anyone under 18 looking for a plan must have their parents pay f it to ensure they have given their permission for the services.
What if I am not losing/gaining the weight i expected?
Keep in mind that you still have to put in the work. My plans are individually customized to work for each of my clients. However you have to be dedicated and consistent. Make sure you’re measuring/ weighing your food correctly. And you have to push yourself during your workouts and cardio. Your results will mirror your effort. I’m here to give you the tools and resources to reach your goals. Your dedication to this process is completely up to you. If you believe that you are following the program to the letter and are for some reason still not seeing progress, reach out to me via email and we can reevaluate your program.
Can I buy my friend a plan/ program?
Yes. As long as you are able to fill out the client information form for them in full detail, yes I can make them a plan.
I got an email saying my program order was fulfilled, where do I find it?
I email you your programs and meal plans. Because of the links I send, it often gets sent to your spam folder. Search there.